Sid is 84, has Alzheimer’s disease and lives alone on the South Coast. He has a tendency to wander and struggles to remember his personal details.

OneCall is a silicone wristband identification service printed with a unique reference number and the phone number for Careium’s 24 hour 365 days emergency service. The number allows emergency and medical professionals to access vital medical information details.
OneCall assists people in various ways and would be of great benefit to people with medical conditions (diabetes, epilepsy, dementia, mental health issues) and allergies, lone workers and carers, as well as people who spend a lot of their time outdoors alone such as walkers.
Sid has dementia and has worn a OneCall wristband for 2 years. Our contact centre were contacted by Luton Police who had found Sid at Luton airport on the bus in the terminal. He was unable to give the police any personal details or his name or address.
Our call operator was able to contact Sid’s nominated contact who gave permission for Careium to provide the police with his information and medical history. The police took Sid to Luton hospital and contacted his friend to make arrangements for him to get back safely to his home.