Careium is delighted to announce the launch of its new proactive calling service in partnership with Yokeru. The move to an automated service for wellbeing calls means Careium is able to scale up its level of proactive support and keep as many people safe as possible, especially critical during the winter months.
Traditional operator calls come with limitations, the main one being that a dispersed, vulnerable client base is difficult to communicate with at scale, especially in emergencies. For the user, call times can be inconsistent because of capacity constraints, meaning they may have to wait around. Calling into scheme hardware also blocks the line for emergency alerts.
The new platform allows for limitless proactive capacity, allowing Careium to make many calls at the same time. It supports user independence as they can receive calls on the landline or mobile, at a time suitable to them. Auto-prompt equipment tests can be carried out with residents. We are able to have bespoke scripts which are suitable for different types of calls such as wellbeing, alarm tests, medication or weather issues. Staff absences will have no impact on our ability to keep vulnerable people up-to-date and supported.
Gary Clark, Careium’s Technical Director said “I’m really proud that we’ve been able to launch this service. It brings huge benefits to our customers and operational efficiencies to Careium. This has been weeks of hard work. Thanks to the dedication of the team, as well as support from Yokeru, we have been able to move this incredibly quickly and efficiently to ensure we can better support our clients”.
Yokeru works by calling the user on their landline or mobile phone and asks them if they are okay today. The user responds with a push of a button. If the user needs assistance or doesn’t pick up their phone, the call will be displayed on our operator dashboard for follow-up. Tenants in schemes can also be reminded about upcoming events, promoting a sense of community and fighting against loneliness & isolation. For users unable to interact with the service (e.g. dementia, sensory difficulties) we’ll continue operator calls to them.
Careium is rolling the service out first to Trent and Dove Housing, Optivo and Basildon Council customers. Feedback so far has been very positive, both internally and externally.
Yokeru’s studies show that in 95% of calls the users are okay, 5% require a follow-up call with an operator and 0.5% need support on their call. Yokeru is accredited to TSA QSF and speaks 180 of the most widely spoken languages globally.
For more information on how Careium can support your customers please visit our professionals services.